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Biblical Journeys

$12.99  $9.05
 Author: Velyn Cooper  Category: Religion  Publisher: Tate Publishing  Published: June 1, 2010  Language: English More Details  Buy Now

New author Velyn Cooper takes you through Passages Through Time and Into Eternity.

Not your typical study guide for the bible, Cooper cites real-life applications for the Christian walk and provides clever antidotes to keep those sermons in your head longer!

Take a journey from the creation of this world to the future establishment of God’s kingdom on this earth. This book provides a systematic overview of some of the major themes of the Bible, giving you foundational teachings on which you can build as you engage in your own personal Bible study.

Today, there are a lot of things being said by a lot of people—some of whom are very prominent in religious ministries—about the things of God. It is up to you to grab hold of the Godly knowledge you glean from the bible and apply it to your own Life’s Journey.

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